Monday, June 28, 2010

Going Back to Jb tomorrow.....

cleaning my room and packing my luggage....
heading to jb on tomorrow evening~~

am feeling happy because will be travel to 3 places after back to jb...

1st, i will go penang at 9th july to 11th july with my lovely friend shenny lew and my good good good best best best tour guide fabian lam~~~~ hippy~~ am sure it's gonna have a happy trip in penang~

2nd, will go singapore at 17th, again. with shenny lew~~~ haha, happy happy~....and,

3rd will go taipei for 6 days with family~~ most happy part~~ i am waiting~~ waiting waiting~

my july seems like full of fun and activities~

However, there's a sad case that i have to face on.....

Degree yr 2 sem 1 result will be release on 14th july~ what a GOOD date!!
Dad you now in somewhere should bless me all the best on my finance 215~
I must pass it!! Especially on this date!

If i fail within the range that that will require me to take a sub test, i will need to rush back to miri within 19th to 22nd to retest. If this happen, my taiwan trip will be gone. and i will suffer again from the fin 215 retest.


In addition, I also not sure whether i will pas or not if i really rush back for retest...

But, if i fail below the range! I don't know whether it's goos or bad.
first, the good thing is, i don't need to rush back to miri for retest, and i can enjoy my taipei trip. But wondering am i still have the happy mood to enjoy or not after result release. lol

Second, it's very sad because if i fail below the range. that's mean. i have to repeat the unit again on next sem! same unit, same tutorial, same lecture class. repeat the same "hard & tough" thing!! and it i maybe only can repeat it again on summer course!!! and and and and it cost me "RM2025" !!!! Walao. no money la..... mummy said pay by my own!!!!
like that better let me die...... i don't wanna live anymore...........T.T how? the best thing to solve this big problem is. bless and wish me luck luck luck!
I must pass it. Fin 215 is the only unit that i worried.....
Must PASS!!! Please!!!!!..........

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


今天,出席了戴晨志老师讲座会 ~ “天天超越自己,成功总在坚持后”



· 如果别人说你贤惠,不要太高兴哦~ 因为所谓的贤惠就是- 闲东闲西什么都不会/闲在家里什么 都不会

· 别人说你帅哥就是帅的地方都被割了

· 不错- 真的不是你的错。不要出来吓人就好了~ 哈哈




不过以上都是开玩笑的啦~ 嘻嘻


以下就是今天学习的精华~~ 因为他说- 记忆是短暂的,记录才是张远的~~



· 成败靠用心,输赢靠细心

· 一个人的态度,决定它的高度

· 力量来自渴望,成功来自坚持。我们要做一个有活力,热情,不停跳跃以及前进的人

· 成功是要一辈子的坚持,而放弃却只需要一秒钟的时间

· 想法的大小决定你成就的大小

· 上半辈子不犹豫,下半辈子不后悔

· 宁可辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子

· 少抱怨,多做事。靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑,靠自己最好

· 若要人前显会,就要人后受罪

· 树和草的方向由风决定,但是自己的方向只能自己决定

· 要冲动的去改变自己。使命笔大,美梦成真!美梦成真就是天堂。只要有一份的希望,就一定 要用一百分的努力!

· 我要做个不平凡的人,赢得漂亮的一生

· 你可以有缺点,但是不能没有成就

· 心有多宽,舞台就有多少。跨过挫折,成功就在那头等你。梦想只留给一心想赢的人

· 不要小看自己,你有无限的可能!你就是一匹黑马,要然众人大跌眼镜

· 对人微笑,是最便宜的投资

· 做别人的工作,学自己的功夫

· 一日不读书,面目可憎。三日不读书,有如一只猪

· 人生不如意,难免十之八九。但是也有一二十如意的。 那就记住一二,忘记八九

· 你的伤心期已经到期。请不要再使用

· 机会就在行动里。成功不是靠梦想,而是实践

· 不比凶,不比狠。比智慧,比成就

· 不比气盛,不比气长。不生气,要争气;不斗气,要斗智


You cannot be no.1 in everything, but you must be no.1 in something!!!