Friday, July 30, 2010


Hmmm… 前天和朋友出去喝茶。就被问到我的梦想是什么?

其实那时候他们突然问到,也太突然了吧~ 我还没想好要怎么plan来和他们说i~

就随便说梦想就是想快点死掉~ 他们还以为我开玩笑叻。可是我有一点认真阿。。



不过我可是很认真的呀。。 只是想先交待好。不然以后家人弄给我的都不是我要的,也浪费钱。




不过也可能这几年来看到太多人突然去世了吧。。。 我也很难推测我的明天是怎样。。。



如果事实比自己想象中的好,还能安慰自己耶~ 嘻嘻。。


梦想就是梦想。做梦,和想。~ 哈哈

一直以来,我就想当一名空姐~ 可是,我好像不够高。。。。T.T ,不过等毕业,我还是会去 interview. 昨天接到KL打来的电话,叫我Sunday去面试耶~~ 可是还要读书叻。。。

而且拜六就要回美里了咯~ 期待着下次的机会~~


还有要养一只狗狗陪我~ (从以前就想养了。妈咪不给。。。==

一有时间就回家看家人~ 可是又不想每天都在家~ 所以想在别地方工作。




包括家人,朋友,老师,亲戚,会友,所有所有我认识或不认识的人,还有认识或不认识我的人。 特别注明:非常疼我的姐姐 (虽然我刚刚才讲完她坏话,可是她从小到大的疼,我铭记在心),可爱的弟弟,伟大的妈咪(最辛苦的人,可是还是受我们三个的气),爱护我的朋友。还有还有~~ 超超超大好人的小姨和小姨丈 (你们的好,善良还有人情,不知道要什么时候才能还清),非常大方的美里表哥表姐(你们也很照顾我呀,谢谢你们!)

Written by,

Kuiyee Chong

30/07/2010 (3.01am)

Feedback on Penang and Taiwan Trip


有看的人都知道。。没有什么事情,我是不会写blog ~ 哈哈

在这里,想说的就是~~ 槟城玩的好好好好好开心啊~~~


台湾也是很开心,因为我去了Mr. J意法厨房~~~~ 嗒浪~~

一到那边我是超开心的咯~~ 哈哈哈~~ 我一直笑到不停,妈咪还讲我神经病~ 哈哈

虽然是没有看到周董~ 但是我还是很很很开心咯~~ 哈哈哈哈~

到现在都还在笑~~~ 哈哈哈哈

可是这次的台湾之旅,也是有一点不开心~ 早早是一点,后来是很多点~

我呀~ 和其它十个人一起去~ 除了我妈,我弟,还有我姐。。其它都是不熟的人~

而且还都是auntie uncle….. 这些auntie阿,够是没有礼貌的~~ (除了我妈咪,还有另外一个慈祥的auntie)一到apartment就给脸色给屋主看~ 马来西亚人说的中文语音和台湾人本来就已经不一样了,再加上那个**auntie的这种找吵架的语气。实在是丢我的脸。



俗语说:嫁出去的女儿,还真的是泼出去的水~ 家婆讲话,未来媳妇只会静静。==





只是第四天,他们又有脸色看了~ 尤其是我姐和**auntie。。。

拜托,我朋友休假然后带我们去玩,你们等一下会死啊~ 不要搞到好像我朋友是你们请来的导游!

而且,他带我去换钱,找银行的时候,我们是晒太阳的~ 台湾现在的天气是热到~~~

你们在地下街逛可是有冷气的! 我们在一直在太阳底下走着找外币兑换~


姐姐一打来,语气更是好像我们欠他钱~ 钱是我,也是妈咪要换的~ 现在晒太阳的又不是你们。 你们在发什么疯阿? ==


还好我朋友大人不记小人过。。 耐性也够好,陪我走了那么多太阳路。也只给我一句:后悔被我骗出来…….. (是有一点内疚) 不过大好人阿贤~ 欠你的下次换~ 不过不能加利息!!!! 哈哈

而从台湾回来的那天,你们竟然在机场把台币换回新币!! 那时我们辛苦找银行的时候~

你们怎么都不说你们有很多? 害我晒太阳去找然后还受你们气~ 我欠你们的 阿?!!

台湾,我有叫你们去吗? 自己要跟,。一个两个还在那抱怨。而且你们也够会拖时间的。

连我妈咪都受不了~ 佩服! 竟然回的那天还能拖到飞机都要飞掉!我们明明十二点半到机场。三点五十分才飞。 竟然还可以拖到那么迟才上飞机。

十一个人耶。。。等等等。。。。 等到飞机飞掉最好~



我也和妈咪说~ 下次如果我那么幸运嫁出去的话,我一定是泼出去的水,然后再流回来~~

才不要做家婆奴叻!!! 就算做,也不能太过分阿~

再再再讲回来,还好在台湾的第五天去了Mr. J 意法厨房~ 让我正在冒烟的火灭了一点~~

现在有想到Mr. J。。。。我又要笑了~~ 哈哈哈

真的是傻了傻了~ 哈哈

Written by,

Kuiyee Chong

29/07/2010 (11.53pm)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Penang trip tomoro~~~

finally... finally.........finaLLY!!

FINALLY..... the day of fun is approach........

Penang~~~ Tomorrow going to Penang luu~~

bored at home for several day already....
no working.... no schooling.... no internet access.....
what's life is this??????? meaningless life......==

Come on~~~ its just a bored life!!!!!!! I should find something to do and
spend the time~~ But i dont know what can i do.... other than housework....
sleep...... out for shopping..... having tea with friends~~watching series~~
and go gaikkan~~ nothing else?! ==

But finally, tomorrow night depart to Penang from JB....
depart by bus at 11.30pm and arriving at 9am ~~ return by plane on coming sunday~~~~

Penang --> JB takes about 9 hours~~~
what a long journey~~~ hoping it will be a pleasant journey.
of course, it must be a safe journey too!
if not you will not see me anymore~~~ haha

so everyone~~ bless me~~ haha

What am i doing now?
hehe~ i am get out from the bored place. at Station 1 now~~~
thought Weehua is going to sing part time tonight. long time no see her already...
but so disappointed.
it was another singer working tonight~~ or i think she is work at another Station 1???

my friend order a very very nice and beautiful beverage~~
see!! Nice Nice~~~~~ hmmm~~ yummy~~

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Even though if you drive slowly and carefully, but you also have the possibility to be hit by other car……

3rd of July. About 8pm, Heading to Jusco again, with Munyee… we stopped on the traffic light somewhere near to the Jusco as it is red light. Suddenly, a proton wira come forward to our car with high speed and hits our car t

ail. We are shock. We are queuing on the traffic light and we are not the first car. In front of us is a white color Viva. Fortunately, Munyee has leaved some space between our car and the viva. So, the front car viva is fine~

Then, we get out from our car and see how the situation of the both cars is. Munyee’s car is Toyota Corrella. Don’t know whether am I spelling correctly?

It was an auntie with 2 children in the proton wira. She said she saw the green light was on the traffic light so she just presses her petrol and go but please, all the car is stopped there because of the red light. It’s raining day on that day. Maybe her brake lost control I think?

From sight view, our bomber w

as dropping out which resulting a weird sound from the tire when driving and the car plate is lost on the road side while accident happened, and the bonnets is unable to close and the whole car cannot lock anymore. For my estimation, after the repairing process is done, I think it still has to do painting again…. (As my friend’s car was just re-painted few months ago).

The proton wira was injured badly; I think the water bottle has been broken. And it is most of the part was hurt on the engines side. The car skin was also twisted. It might need to spend huge amount of money on the repairing process.

2 of my friend they come for help keep saying that: “this is the different between Foreign car and Malaysia car”. ==

Therefore, the auntie decides to clai

m her car insurances, about 10pm something, we go Gelang Patah Balai Polis for doing oral record and report.

Actually we are quite relax when we are in the Balai Polis since we are all watching world cup with those polis man n women. Lol. However, Munyee was still shock and nervous as well as the auntie. I can see from her face, she is so worried and scare. She was saying that she feels guilty to bring us such trouble. But things already happened.

What we should learn from this lesson is - always drive carefully and pay full concentration while driving. We realize that life is

really short. More than hundred case of car accident happens every day in anywhere, and how many of them lost their life on the road? It should be grateful that we are all fine from the accident….. cheers!

Okay, so stop driving for one month. Haha. It was a terrible experience.

And hope it will never happen again.

these are the both car picture after accident.